Small Balcony Designs and Beautiful Ideas for Decorating

Not merely the type of flooring, minimalist terraced house turned out to be the target of many people. In add-on to its modern design, minimalist two-storey house balcony also allows the owner to have more rooms and can cater for a variety of activities.

In general, minimalist house terraced include a terrace or balcony on the upper part of the home. The presentation of this balcony will further enhance the home if it is projected with the maximum and added some decorations. Well here is some inspiration design minimalist house balcony that can be listened to.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

In making the balcony of the home is minimalist, the necessary harmony between the design of the house with its own balcony. Models such as the design of the house balcony in the picture above. The balcony railing is designed, simple to apply that material and the same color as the window frame of the house.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

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Create a balcony is not a mandatory. But if you want an open space along the second floor, where it is the answer. Although it is small, minimalist home balcony can create the atmosphere of the second storey of the house more beautiful by the presence of plants and wooden lounge chairs.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

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Standardized to the minimalist design of the first balcony of the house, in this picture, the balcony looked harmonious with exterior walls of the house. Guardrail pattern of horizontal lines used to provide security for the masses who were hanging out on the balcony. Add two to four seats for a chat is a honest idea.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

Balcony minimalist home can be designed in diverse forms, depending on the remaining floor space. Examples such as the balcony above which is designed like the figure of the letter "L". By positioning a table and two garden chairs, corner balcony can be a wonderful place to relax, you know.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

For homeowners who liked the minimalist two-storey plant, a balcony can be utilized as a domesticated plant grow healthy. Thus, these plants can absorb sunlight more with the position at the top of the house. Structuring good plants on the balcony, plus the presence of tables and chairs, guaranteed to make the balcony of the house minimalist look more beautiful.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

This minimalist house balcony design a proper spot chat with loved ones at home. The extent of the relief, a slick design because it mixes elements of metal and wood, and the selection of furnishings as well as accent color can be turned the atmosphere in part of the house.
Balcony Minimalist Attractive

Create a balcony as a place to sunbathe and enjoy the morning sunshine sound very possible to do. For instance, the design minimalist house balcony which is placed right in front second-floor bedroom as shown above. To be more deliciously relaxing moments, adding a recliner chair or cot modern design can be locked away.

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