Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

The luxurious house is identical to a large house, has 2 floors or more, using quality building materials with artistic design and elegant. Besides luxury homes usually have a yard big enough to make a garden. For luxury homes, garden design created course will progress to appear more stately mansions. Creating a garden plan for luxury homes, is much easier than creating a garden design for homes with limited space. Creativity in making luxury home garden design very much choice because it will be a set of ideas that can be applied in making a garden for luxury homes. Here are some alternatives to establish the design of the rear garden of luxury homes that homeowners feel comfortable.

Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

1. Determine the region and without grass lawns
Parks in luxury homes typically use many ornaments that will get to the park is not only the home decorating, but it can be a place of rest and recreation for homeowners. The grassy area can be used as a green area for flowers and shrubs. While no grassy area used as a place to loosen up by putting a garden table and chairs to relax. Some houses have ample land at the rear of the house, can build a fish pond or pool as a complementary means of recreation at home.
Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

2. Provide an artistic touch
For luxury homes, an artistic touch will accentuate the impression of luxury homes. Artistic touch can be contributed in the form of garden ornaments cascading waterfall, or a garden chair made of carved wood, or put the gazebo in the middle of the park with a walkway made of natural rock. Artistic touches can be many different shapes depending on the tastes of the owner of the house.

3. Lighting Parks
Choice of garden lights placed at strategic corners of the park will provide beauty at night when the lights are switched.
Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

Here are a few instances of the design of the rear garden of luxury homes that can be considered for the design of your home.
In the first film, the design of a garden like this can be placed next to the house or behind the house. The placement of a bridge over a fish pond gives an aesthetic impression on the page. Gazebo located on the edge of the pool will give comfort to anyone who sits down to rest in it and enjoy the cool breeze from the trees beside the gazebo looking at the fish swimming in the pond.
Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

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While the garden design examples below use the location of the land with soil terraces. Lay of the land is not the same height used to make the room and a garden. Modern and artistic printing of the laying of garden lights visible in the corners of the park that give a romantic impression. The pool is situated on the high ground, but parallel to one of the family rooms which can provide direct access to the pool. Not many plants that grace the park, but the greenish grass and some palm plants in the corner of the park is able to give the impression of a fresh and cool for the mansion.
Rear Garden Design Luxury home beautiful and comfortable

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