Minimalist Garden Design Ideas, Remodel, Picture and Decor

Parks are part of a home that has many functions, among others, became the boundary between the buildings with a public street in front of the house, in addition, the park also beautifies the appearance of a home and as well as a green area that gives the impression of a shady and cool. The part of the park with lots of greenery will provide the required oxygen living things so that their garden in a house will nourish anyone who lives in the house.

A minimalist home is modest, typically has a limited land so the commons for a modest home has only a small part of the overall land area. Nevertheless, if the limited land area can be fully utilized to be a park, then a simple house can be performed with both beautiful and benefit from the park.

Here are some examples of design drawings simple, minimalist home park that occupies the balance of the land is limited.

Small Home Garden Design Minimalist Simple

In the first image below, a garden made just a small plot of land located in the front corner of the house. Although the park is made up only 1 meter x 1 meter, but the option of appropriate plant will make the small garden to be beautiful to the eye and give a beautiful impression on a simple house. Location of plants, shrubs and small palm provides all the right proportions for the limited land area. Giving stone walkways made of natural stone is barely functioning as an ornamental merely to give a different color accents on the small green area.

Small Home Garden Design Minimalist Simple

In the example shown below, the small garden is placed next to the house that bordered the house next door. Like the housing, a modest house is categorized as houses are simple, ordinary several lined placed in one area and a small flower garden is a barrier between the home page.

Read:The design of home parks hook

Although modest, this park is very artistic arrangement and gave the beauty of the environment around the modest house. Observe the flowers are placed to collect on the wall and in the middle of the park shrub tree that became the focal point of the tiny park because of its location amid gardens and has a height of more than plants in the vicinity. Do not miss the succulent green grass gives freshness and beauty in the small garden.
Small Home Garden Design Minimalist Simple

In the last example below, the remainder of the land near the fence can be utilized as a minimalist garden which gives the value of beauty and the beauty in the simple house. Plants grown is also a simple plant where the ground is covered with white stonework. Besides grass green stone decorated walkway formed of white rocks and the circuit as a focal point, placed hardscape shaped small fountain near the wall. Minimalist garden was made with simplicity but can look attractive and attracting.

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